I Am N book cover

Read inspiring stories of Christiansfacing Islamic extremists in the revised and updated edition of I Am N.

I Am N reminds us that we are each “n,” or ن—the Arabic letter radical Muslims use to identify followers of Jesus the Nazarene. Wherever we live, we have fellowship with those persecuted for their Christian witness—like those in this book. So read their stories. And deepen your faith in a God who calls us to embrace Christ’s suffering in order to fulfill God’s redemptive mission.

Cover of I Am N Book

I Am N Book

You can also financially support Christians facing Islamic extremists. Your gifts help provide medical care, temporary shelter, food and other needs for Christians injured in or displaced by violent Islamist attacks.

Become an N Christian.

Make your commitment to stand with our persecuted brothers and sisters now. Provide your contact information so we can email you with updates from our persecuted Christian family.

I commit. I will not let my brothers and sisters suffer in silence nor will I let them serve alone.
Worship with Steven Curtis Chapman

i am nVirtual Event

Hear stories of courage in the shadow of radical Islam.